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The Rise of Pre-Recorded Video Interviews in Recruitment


Have you heard? 

By 2028 it is expected that the Video Interview Software market will reach USD 541.56 million, suggesting that this advanced tool for conducting effective and efficient interviews is here to stay, with its popularity growing every day!

This brings us to the following questions-

What makes these candidate screening tools so popular among HR professionals? Why are they the top choice for 86% of employers? 

Is it due to the countless benefits they offer, like slashing time to hire and reducing hiring bias, among others?

Hold on to those questions! We’ll unpack them in the following sections. Let’s dive in!

The rise of pre-recorded video interviews in the recruitment landscape

Pre-recorded video interviews aren’t an overnight sensation, they’ve been around for a while! 

However, their adoption and usage saw an exponential increase during the COVID-19 pandemic as they facilitated a hiccup-free and convenient shift to remote hiring amid all the restrictions that brought the world to a standstill.

Today it’s worth noting that more and more companies are adopting automated video interviews to meet the multifaceted requirements of modern day candidate screening. 

These software help recruiters efficiently evaluate skills, competencies, and language proficiency, enabling organizations to assess a candidate’s qualifications and fit for the role easily, efficiently, and effectively.

Nearly 74% of recruiters find that video interviews have simplified their interviewing process, highlighting their efficiency.

Let’s now take a closer look at the specific candidate screening woes that one-way video interviews help recruiters overcome and the many advantages they bring to the table.

Challenges pre-recorded video interviews help overcome

Did you know that time-consuming interviews increase the risk of losing top talent by 29%??

That’s something no organization can afford in today’s competitive job market! Fortunately, pre-recorded video interviews help tackle this critical challenge, ensuring organizations don’t miss out on top talent!

Here’s a look at some of the major candidate screening challenges that pre-recorded video interviews help overcome:

1. Lengthy interviews leading to negative candidate experiences

Traditional interview processes are often inefficient and time-consuming, resulting in prolonged hiring timelines that negatively impact the overall candidate experience.

2. Inefficient use of interviewer time

Interviewers often waste valuable time on unqualified candidates who could have been screened out much earlier, resulting in a less efficient hiring process.

3. Interview scheduling difficulties

Coordinating schedules among multiple stakeholders often results in scheduling conflicts and unnecessary delays that hinder the recruitment process.

4. Biases due to inconsistent screening criteria

Lack of standardization in interview processes can increase instances of hiring biases and inconsistencies, negatively impacting fair candidate evaluations.

5. Prolonged hiring due to inefficient screening processes

Manual and inefficient traditional screening methods are time-consuming, and compromise the candidate experience and thereby the quality of hire

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Advantages of using pre-recorded video interviews

Implementing automated video interviews offers a vast range of advantages, spanning from improved candidate experience to reduced hiring costs. Here’s a look:

1. Eliminates scheduling conflicts

One-way video interviews offer unmatched convenience to candidates and recruiters to record and submit answers and evaluate them at a convenient time, eliminating the need for all stakeholders to be available at the same time.

2. Expedites the interview process

These software expedite the hiring process by preventing scheduling conflicts, reducing dependencies on different stakeholders, speeding up candidate evaluation, and ensuring a structured and efficient interview process.

3. Offers flexibility to all stakeholders

A noteworthy benefit of AVIs is the peak flexibility they provide, allowing both candidates and hiring teams to attend interviews on the go, at a time that best suits them.

4. Improves candidate experience

Automated video interviews streamline the entire interview process and therefore help reduce screening timelines, increase flexibility, and minimize hiring bias, ultimately ensuring a positive candidate experience!

5. Facilitates collaborative hiring

The  unified and centralized platform that these software offer helps the hiring team stay on the same page, facilitating the seamless tracking of candidate performance and evaluations, therefore enabling a collaborative hiring process.

6. Provides access to diverse candidate pools

An added advantage of using asynchronous video interviews is that they broaden the candidate pool by allowing candidates from diverse locations to participate without the limitation of travel or time zone differences.

7. Improves employer brand

Efficient and seamless interview processes that prioritize providing exceptional candidate experience are extremely important for building a strong employer brand, making the organization an employer of choice.

8. Decreases hiring costs

Reduced screening time leads to shorter hiring cycles, ultimately saving valuable resources, and furthermore conducting interviews virtually eliminates venue costs and associated expenses, thereby lowering overall hiring costs.

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The gold standard in candidate screening: ZappyVue’s automated video interviews

Imagine being able to decrease your hiring time by a whopping 70%!
Yes, that and a LOT more is possible with ZappyVue’s automated video interviews!

ZappyVue’s impressive offerings include-  

1. Effortless interview creation

Recruiters can simply sign up and set up an interview, configure the questions and evaluation parameters, and invite candidates in a few easy steps. 

2. Attend interviews on-the-go

Candidates choose a convenient time to record their answers to preset questions, while recruiters can access these recordings later for evaluation, aided by the final reports and analyses prepared by ZappyVue.

3. Effortlessly and accurately evaluate candidate responses

ZappyVue’s  automatic scoring and ranking feature, objectively scores and ranks candidates automatically based on their performance and predefined criteria.

4. ZappyVue’s AI-powered online proctoring capability

This feature helps keep tabs on any suspicious activities by candidates during the interview, enabling hiring teams to monitor exits, recognize multiple faces, track tab switching, and more!

5. Advanced language proficiency analysis

ZappyVue can precisely predict candidates’ language proficiency with an accuracy of 98%.

6. Advanced knowledge analysis filter

ZappyVue assesses and filters candidates based on their skills and domain knowledge accurately!

7. Multilingual support

ZappyVue impressively supports over 50 languages, enabling hiring teams to tap into a diverse pool of candidates!

8. Seamless integration

ZappyVue easily integrates with third-party systems like APIs, Mailboxes, and third party HRMS platforms.

9. Mobile-first design

ZappyVue allows for recruiters and candidates to engage across devices without any trouble!

Sharing is caring folks! Why keep all this valuable information about the game changer in candidate screening (aka Automated video interviews) all to yourself? 

🙌 Download and share this infographic with your friends too!

Now tell us – need more reasons to give this revolutionary automated video interview a try? Sign up and explore it for yourself, and we’re sure you won’t need any more convincing!

Pro tip: Sign up now to redeem the FREE credits waiting for you! (Bonus -No credit card or demos required!).

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